
Sonoff POW is a smart switch relayR2 is the latest version, introduced in 2018. POW is a 15A, WiFi-equipped smart switch relay, with power metertemp and humidity sensor pairing is NOT supported. POW R2 features a built-in overload-protection, protects the connected device.

Wired to an electric cable you can close or break the circuit thus turning ON / OFF the device connected to the same electric cabel.The smart relay is remotely controllable via Internet and iOS (Apple) or Android smartphone App, and you can set scheduled turning ON / OFF. The device has a physical button too. Share remote control in the App with your family. Ideal solution to smart control home appliances, that don’t need to operate all the time and can be turned ON / OFF periodically (e.g. aquarium air pump). By using the smart switch relay you can remotely turn ON any of your appliances even before you are at home and you can conveniently set a scheduled turn OFF to save energy and cost.

Features real-time power metering, daily and monthly statistics are displayed in the mobile app. New R2 version supports downloading the consumption data to your smartphone. The smart switch relay provides help not only in remote and scheduled turning ON / OFF ideal solution to understand and optimize your power consumption too.

New Sonoff POW R2 version features compared to former POW version:

  • higher accuracy in metering,
  • meters not only actual consumption, but also actual voltage and amperage data is displayed,
  • overload protection setting available (supports setting the relevant paramters),
  • historic consumption data export is supported to smartphone from eWeLink cloud

Product features:

  • Remote ON / OFF – Anytime, anywhere, from now on you can turn all your appliances on and off remotely.
  • Mobil App – free iOS és Android mobil App: eWeLink
  • Sync status – Check actual relay status (turned ON or OFF) with the mobile App
  • Timer – Various timer functions: single time, scheduled turn on/off, countdown/timer, loop.
  • Share control – Control the device together with your family
  • Scene – Turn ON / OFF a gang of devices with one tap
  • Smart scene – Triggered ON/OFF by temp, hum or other environmental sensors
  • Compatibility – Works perfectly with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT and Google Nest
  • Real-time power metering – displays actual consumption in App
  • Period consumption metering – stop-watch metering function, consumption is metered from start to stop
  • Power consumption statistics – daily and monthly total consumption statistics displayed in the App (monthly periods, over last 100 days)


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